Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Peace in the MId-East? No, not really...

Well, no surprise here, but it might be to some...

Seems as if the Palestinians really don't want peace after all (only the most extreme left-wing idiot ever thought there was even a chance of it...) but instead are just buying time until they can deal a death blow to Israel.

In his article "The False Dawn of Peace,": "Steven Stalinsky states the following:
"Some members of the Palestinian establishment close to Arafat are now stating in public that he never really wanted peace, and instead considered the Oslo Accords a strategy to destroy Israel in phases. It was reported on November 21 that Abd Al-Bari Atwan, editor of the London-based newspaper, Al-Quds Al-Arabi, discussed a meeting he held with Arafat shortly before the latter's return to Gaza from Tunis. When Atwan criticized the Oslo Accords, Arafat reassured him: 'The day will come when you will see thousands of Jews fleeing Palestine. I will not live to see this, but you will definitely see it in your lifetime. The Oslo Accords will help bring this about.'
The moral of the story: never trust a terrorist...

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