Saturday, August 21, 2004

An evening with Bobby Conner

Just got back from the "Holy Spirit Explosion" conference in Rockford, Illinois. Tonight's speaker was Bobby Conner, truly one of the most awesome men of God I've ever come across. I first saw Bobby at the Morningstar "Worship and Warfare" conference at Heritage USA many years ago, and he made a very lasting impression upon me.

Bobby had a very simple message for those of us at the conference: God is going to be dismantling everything man has built into his church. For many of us, this was a very, very welcome word of encouragement!

Very little of what passes for "church" in America has anything to do with God! There are lots of plans, programs, controls and other things that are promoted, but very little power is present...very little indeed.

Those of us who have become discontent by what we are seeing in the church are being made that way by God himself. He is fostering a kind of 'holy' discontentment upon his people, so that they will be agents of much needed change.

Well LORD, bring on that discontent! May that be the fuel that brings YOU back into your church!

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