The book Gettysburg by Steven W. Sears
I've been recently reading the excellent book Gettysburg by Steven W. Sears. In one ofthe early chapters of the book, Sears discusses how General Lee of the Confederate Army reorganized his forces prior ot the battle at Gettysburg. I found this interesting tibbit of info on page 51:
"I AGREE WITH YOU also in believing that our Army would be invincilbe if it could be properly organized and officered," General Lee wrote on May 21, replying to a letter from John B. Hood, one of his divisional commanders. "There never were such men in an Army before. But there is the difficulty--proper commanders--where can they be obtained?" In his orders for the army's reoganization, issued May 30, Lee had to be concerned that his new choices for proper commanders would be worthy of the men they led.General Lee's concern for his army has been a concern of mine for the body of Christ in general. In all my years of being a Christian, I've encountered very, very few true leaders in the body of Christ. Most of what is called leadership I would categorize more correctly as managers of the status quo.
Being a student of history, I've noticed that the problem of leadership is a problem that goes back to the beginning of time. More often than not, it is leadership in the church, in the military, and in politics that directs the course of history. Whehter it be Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Bismarck, or even Mother Teresa; it is good leadership that makes a person I real standout historically speaking.
Of course as Christians, our ultimate example of leadership--and perhaps the best example of leadership there ever was--is the person of Jesus Christ. Yet how many of recoginize and follow his examples of leadership? Very few I'm afraid. We pay a lot of lip-service to our Saviour, but in terms of following his example there remains a lot to be desired. I know I certainly have a long way to go in this regard!
Good leadership is something to be greatly valued.
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